Monday, October 20, 2008

We'll hold down the ranch...Ya'll go have fun!

An article printed in the October 10th issue of the Austin American Statesman by an unknown author, describes that life isn't so bad for us folks back home during the Texas OU RedRiver Shoot to be politically correct, its the Red River match up. However if your from the part of the state where the author of this blog is from; Denison TX, you'll hear a different "tall tale" of what the Red River Shootout is.
None the less, Austin residents probably found it a little easier to navigate around Austin during the Texas OU rivalry weekend, according to the unidentified author. Apparently the author wasn't planning on reaching out to all of those 46,000 Longhorn fans that went to the game, about how nice it is to stretch the legs for a weekend. A noteworthy claim, but a claim made in denial, and made to make us all back at home feel a little better.
Furthermore, economics is brought into the picture. The amount of money that is brought into the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex for the weekend, is more than needed. However the author has done their homework, with every UT home game bringing in 26 million to Austin, we can afford to kick back and stretch our legs here.
Once again, not a bad article on the author's part, but deep-down inside this person is wishing that he or she were at the game. Good job on making the roughly 700,000 other Austinites that couldn't go to the game, feel a little better. Unfortunately, now its back to the stop and go traffic of the biggest little city in Texas.

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